The story follows Sorey, a young man blessed with powers by a mystical
spirit race known as the Seraphim who act as a stabilizing force in the
land, as he travels to free the land of Glenwood from the threat of the
Hellion, creatures spawned by negative emotions. The game's characteristic genre name is Jōnetsu ga sekai o terasu ārupījī lit. "RPG of Passion Lighting the World"), with its story focusing on the passion of the characters.
<<< Sorey, the principal character.
New special abilities for characters are gained by performing
side-quests for creatures called Normins scattered through the land.
Equipment assigned to characters can be given special skills, with one
piece of equipment having four skill slots. Certain combinations add
additional effects produced by equipment. Some equipment types can only
be obtained by fusing two different accessories.
<<< Battle Mode.
<<< Scenes of Anime (Tales of Zestiria the X)
~~ israel000
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